About Ilayda Mercankaya
Discovering human nature through art
From early on, I started using colors to express myself, to regenerate, and to regulate. My biggest canvas was always the walls of my room. In time, capturing the world’s beauty through my art became an aim. But there came a point in my life when I lost interest in living, along with my passion for aesthetics. It was a freeing experience. Thereafter, I turned to creation not to depict beauty but as a means to capture the truth.
Emotions and the unconscious play a significant role in my work, and through this process, I rediscovered beauty—the beauty of being human. My art is deeply improvisational and expressive, promising nothing more than the raw reality.

Born in Çanakkale in 1988, İlayda Mercankaya is a self-taught artist who grew up in Istanbul and currently lives in Stuttgart. Art became a vital part of her life early on, providing her with a sense of vitality, freedom, and peace. The marine environment of her coastal upbringing has had a significant influence on her work. She explores human nature using watercolor and acrylic mediums. Her approach to art is highly physical, embracing the tactile nature of painting. Her creative process is guided by spontaneity, allowing her emotions and unconscious to shape her creations.
I meet myself with every stroke,
I find love in every line,
Through creation, I mend and hope.